Worker Paralyzed in Car Accident

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Worker Paralyzed in Car Accident Between Sales Calls
Large Settlement Negotiated to Cover Future Medical Needs
The Injured Person
Jim was a 53 year-old ad salesmen. As part of his job, he drove around the area, seeking sponsorships from various businesses.
The Facts of the Case
During the course of driving for work, Jim was in a serious automobile accident. As a result of the accident, he became permanently paralyzed from the neck down.
Jim maintained that he was driving between sales calls when the accident occurred. However, his employer believed he was not working at the time of the incident, but rather on his own personal time. Therefore, they denied his Workers Compensation claim.
As a result of not having insurance to cover his claims, Jim accrued voluminous unpaid and out-of-pocket medical expenses.
The Resolution
Jim hired the attorneys at Klezmer-Maudlin, PC to help him navigate his claim and recoup his expenses. As professional Workers Compensation attorneys, we understand Indiana law regarding injuries that happen while driving for work. (If you travel as part of your job, you are considered “working” from the time you leave your home until the time you return.)
Due to the significant injuries and medical expenses, Klezmer-Maudlin, PC successfully negotiated a significant settlement for the injured worker. To preserve the income and to satisfy governmental requirements, we assisted in establishing a special needs trust for Jim whose future medical needs and other necessities will be covered under this trust and other insurance available to the worker.
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